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Hello! Content on this website is provided as a convenience and is for informational use only. Be sure to review the Terms of Use for all of the details related to your use of this website.
Select a zoning district to see the land uses that are allowed and what standards apply.
{{district.Abbreviation}} {{district.District}} 
{{selectedDistrict.Abbreviation}} {{selectedDistrict.District}} Clear

District Statistics {{((showDistrictStatistics) && ('Collapse') || ('Expand'))}}
Acres: {{selectedDistrict.details.Acres}}
Parcels: {{selectedDistrict.details.Parcels}}
Status:Although this district is included in the text of the zoning code, there currently are no parcels with this designation.

Next - Select a land use
{{selectedUse.LandUse}} Clear

Parking for Land Use {{((showParkingRequirements) && ('Collapse') || ('Expand'))}}
Vehicle Parking:
Bicycle Parking:
Passenger Loading:
Merchandise Loading:
Review Procedures for Land Use {{((showReviewProcedures) && ('Collapse') || ('Expand'))}}
The procedures listed below (if any) are required for the selected land use in the selected district.
If the land use you are inquiring about is allowed in another district, you may want to check out that district as well. it is possible the dimensional standards and/or review procedures may be different.

Select a land use to see where it can be located along with standards that apply.

Parking for Land Use {{((showParkingRequirements) && ('Collapse') || ('Expand'))}}
Vehicle Parking:
Bicycle Parking:
Passenger Loading:
Merchandise Loading:

Next - Select a district
{{selectedDistrict.Abbreviation}} {{selectedDistrict.District}}

{{district.Abbreviation}} {{district.District}} 
{{}} {{primaryProcedure.description}} {{(primaryProcedure.showDescription ? "Hide Description" : "Show Description")}}
{{district.Abbreviation}} {{district.District}} 
There are no districts associated with the selected land use.
District Statistics {{((showDistrictStatistics) && ('Collapse') || ('Expand'))}}
Acres: {{selectedDistrict.details.Acres}}
Parcels: {{selectedDistrict.details.Parcels}}
Status:Although this district is included in the text of the zoning code, there currently are no parcels with this designation.
Review Procedures for Land Use {{((showReviewProcedures) && ('Collapse') || ('Expand'))}}
The procedures listed below (if any) are required for the selected land use in the selected district.
If the land use you are inquiring about is allowed in another district, you may want to check out that district as well. it is possible the dimensional standards and/or review procedures may be different.

Select a district from the menu.
{{district.Abbreviation}} {{district.District}}
Show my Location on the Map - BETA

GPS is not enabled on your device. It must be enabled for this feature to work.

Not sure how to enable your GPS?

If you don’t know how to change your browser settings to enable GPS, you can open a new tab and do a Google search on “Change browser settings to enable GPS location” to get instructions for your device.

We're sorry. Your location is not within a municipality that has a ZoningHub site.
Success! We found a possible location in {{possibleMunicipalities[0].AccountName}}.
Success! We found a possible locations in: and {{municipality.AccountName}}, .
Be sure to verify your location. Your actual location may be anywhere inside of the marker circle.
Opportunity Sites
Details for Selected Property
Description: {{selectedOpportunitySite.description}}
Location: {{selectedOpportunitySite.location}}
Parcel Number: {{selectedOpportunitySite.parcelNumber}}
Acres: {{selectedOpportunitySite.acres}}
Property Type: {{selectedOpportunitySite.propertyType}}
Ownership: {{selectedOpportunitySite.ownership}}
Wetlands: {{selectedOpportunitySite.wetlands}}
Floodplain: {{selectedOpportunitySite.floodplain}}
Environmental: {{selectedOpportunitySite.environmental}}
Natural Gas Service: {{selectedOpportunitySite.naturalGasService}}
Water Service: {{selectedOpportunitySite.waterService}}
Sewer Service: {{selectedOpportunitySite.sewerService}}
Electric Service: {{selectedOpportunitySite.electricService}}
Transportation: >{{selectedOpportunitySite.transportation}}
Incentives: {{selectedOpportunitySite.incentives}}
Contact Info: {{selectedOpportunitySite.contactInfo}}
Zoning District(s)
This property is not located in any zoning districts.
{{district.Abbreviation}} - {{district.District}} {{district.showDetails ? 'Hide' : 'Show'}} Description
Overlay District(s)
This property is not located in any overlay districts.
Other Map Feature(s)
Search What?
Search Tips:
Address format: 1234 S Main ST  or 321 E Tenth AVE
- Street directions are a single letter.
- Streets like 12th Avenue are written with the number spelled out.
- Street types are abbreviated to 2 or 3 characters. 

Parcel ID format: 610012345678 
- All parcels within Whitemarsh Township will start with 6100 followed by 8 numbers.
- This is the same number as your Tax PIN

Additional Tips:
- Try searching for the minimum information necessary to return your result such as only one owner name or "321 Maple" with no street type included. 
- The search is not case sensitive. 

  • {{getOwnerMapping(item)}}
    Parcel Number: {{getParcelNumberMapping(item)}}
Owner: {{getOwnerMapping(selectedProperty)}}
Location: {{getAddressMapping(selectedProperty)}}
Parcel Number: {{getParcelNumberMapping(selectedProperty)}}
Zoning District(s): No Results
{{district.Abbreviation}} - {{district.District}} Details
Overlay District(s):
Create a Mailing List
The districts layer is currently enabled. Enable the parcel layer The parcel layer is currently enabled. Enable the districts layer Not all parcels are displayed. Zoom in to load more.